
Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Social Media and Link Building for Cultural Organizations

We have repeatedly said that inbound links are the basis of the work placement on search engines. Looking at the site of a cultural organization, a network of quality backlinks contributes significantly to improve its popularity , leading to an increase in web traffic and online sales potential. 

This is not an activity that is sudden, the service must be provided by professionals with adequate knowledge and experience, to do analysis, create strategies, monitor and improve the countryside, planning the activities of online marketing . Specifically, the link building, the process of finding sites is the basis of good quality. The higher their PageRank, the reliability in the eyes of Google, the greater the benefit that will draw in terms of positioning.

Especially in the case of sites already on the network for many years, the connections must be addressed and / or come from very authoritative sites, national media and excellent web magazine industry. To do this we must first carry out a reconnaissance on the target audience of the site, what features to users. At this point you must place your link in order to provide a service / content that has a unique value for the public of the referring site. This is an operation semantics, which can have very high costs in the economy, if you do not have the necessary contacts in the print world.

Link building and social bookmarking often go hand in hand, are two activities that grow exponentially and continuously. Facebook has 500 million users and, like Twitter, for a cultural organization is an effective tool for online marketing and link building, at greatly reduced costs. On the one hand who is already well established offline, has the ability to leverage its name and to build or reinforce a series of online links with other institutions. The flow of communication related to cultural events and facilitates this process, comments, 'share' (share) tags and multiply the potential range of distribution. In terms should be entrusted to an agency management specialist web Facebook page and ad campaigns, as well as investing in updating internal resources, if they do not know the potential of the medium. Also very important 'given back' coming from social networks. Requests for information, feedback from events, share photos and multimedia users, for users. Boards can become the new 'books of signatures', which provide a framework for communication and include interactive elements derived from social media already "run in" forums, blogs, newsletters and mailing lists.

Unlike what you might imagine, the task of link building, especially in social media, needs a lot of creative energy, because it is based on processes that are activated, fed and brought to fruition. In this sense, small organizations, nonprofit cultural organizations, may have some advantages. A background in the communications world 'many to many', horizontal, which responds to dynamics coming from the bottom, it is useful to activate the dynamics of culture jamming and mechanisms of viral spread. The presence on the network is not exclusive, you can enable solutions social well within your site. Blogs and forums theaters and museums can be activated with respect to educational activities, workshops, special projects and events. With contributions from employees who are dedicated to content management and especially to that of the user, the entire organization's Web site is often updated, and gain credibility.


mandeep kaur said...

Now a days to find an seo expert is easy in India.But to find an professional seo expert is as difficult as to climb Himalaya mountains.To find an better se/o expert we need a lot of sickness.

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